The technique of inlay has been applied to wood (known often as marquetry), stone and marble (known often as Pietre Dure or Opus Sectile) and to Metal.
Decorative inlay is a technique whereby different materials, often contrasting are set into depressions in the substrate of the field material and then often ground flat.
Floor Metal Inlay Manufacturers and Floor Metal Inlay Suppliers provide top quality metal marble flooring of stainless steel & copper and brass etc.
- Suitable for indoor floor and wall applications
Metal flooring inlay is an accent that has inspired some of our recent projects. We are especially love the gold brass inlay marble detail in the entrance lobby. This house entry boasts a gorgeous brass flooring design that has an art charm. Visually captivating and sophisticated, brass marble inlay tile marries the softly honed beauty of stone with the warmth of brass.